This was a movie about a environmental movement during the 20th century. The movie goes on to tell how how the seventies were a time when people were beginning to realize the impact they were making on the earth. They began to see that something needed to change. The movie shows how people did everything they could to try and change how we use different things. The movie showed how people can come together to try and solve a bigger problem that is effecting how the world is.
"Watch Film: A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
This article talks about how a man in California was noticing the air pollution around his neighborhood and county. He soon quit his job and picked up a Earth-justice problem, as he called it. He began by creating groups and raising awereness of the air polltuion and what is going on around them. He met with doctors to see how peoples lungs were doing and found some faults in data. In just a short amount of time he is very pleased with his progress with his new campaign.
The save the whales movement. In 1975 a man started to notice that the whales were dying out and it was cruel to them. He initiated the "Save the Whales" movement that later turned into a international ban on whale killing. Although today, Greenpeace (the Save the Whales Orginization) Is sad to see that Obama may overturn the Whale ban, and they are legitimizing Japan’s “scientific” slaughter in the Southern Ocean.