East/west Germany- to be divided up into allies and someone else
the iron curtain- Divided the countries into side after world war 2
satellite nation- Nations that are controlled militarily or politically by other nations
Containment- trying to contain communists to Russia and not let it spread.
Marshall plan- A United States plan to give aid to Europe to help rebuild them
NATO-North Atlantic Treaty organization, an agreement to offer help if anyone in the group gets attacked, us England France Western European countries
Korean War- the civil war in Korea
Huac- a group that investigated communist activity in the U.S.
Rosenberg- two people that were executed by electric chair for suspecting to be working with communists.
Red scare- people were extremely scared of communists and afraid that it might spread to the U.S.
Mccarthysim- Making accusations about people without proper knowledge, important because people were accusing other of being communists
Fall out shelters- a small space designed to protect one from radioactive debris after a nuclear explosion
Generation gap- The difference between one generation and the next, dislikes/ likes
rock n roll- part of the generation gap, the big hit in the music industry at the time. Elvis Presley
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
3-D movies
3-d movies came about in the 1950's, becasue years before that the movie industry was dying. Hollywood was struggling to impress its audience further. Some companies tried to use catchy slogans like "Step out and see a great movie" or "Movies are better than ever". When these sayings failed to pull in viewers some companies turned to door prizes, raffles, and contests. Thus the invention of 3-D film came along
The idea was to enhance the illusion of death perception. It was introduced to the American culture in the 50's but the rest of the world did not see it till the 1980's. The very first form of 3-D film was seen around 1890, when a British film pioneer projected two films side by side. The viewers were then given a stereoscope, which combined the two images to create a 3-D look. The first "real" 3-D film was shown in 1952, where the Los Angeles audience watched The Power Of Love.
The years between 1952-1954 are known to be the "Golden Era" in 3-D film. In the early years of this era the first 3-D color film was produced, Bwana Devil. Other highly looked after films in this era were Vincent price's horror movie "House of wax" (1953) and "It came from outer space" (1953). These films helped this era be known as the Golden Era for 3-D movies, some say that the boom of this era saved the 3-D film industry during the time because it was seen as a useless idea.

Years later audiences soon began to get sick of the funny glasses and ridiculous plots of 3-D films. Most people turned to the entertainment of televison. Popular shows, such as "I love lucy" aired weekly. It was said that in 1953 the show "I love Lucy" pulled in a total of 44 million viewers for the episode when the main character Lucy had her baby. Far fewer people tuned in to watch the broadcast of the presidental inauguration the next day.
Sources: http://entertainment-industry.knoji.com/the-3d-films-of-the-1950s/
The idea was to enhance the illusion of death perception. It was introduced to the American culture in the 50's but the rest of the world did not see it till the 1980's. The very first form of 3-D film was seen around 1890, when a British film pioneer projected two films side by side. The viewers were then given a stereoscope, which combined the two images to create a 3-D look. The first "real" 3-D film was shown in 1952, where the Los Angeles audience watched The Power Of Love.
The years between 1952-1954 are known to be the "Golden Era" in 3-D film. In the early years of this era the first 3-D color film was produced, Bwana Devil. Other highly looked after films in this era were Vincent price's horror movie "House of wax" (1953) and "It came from outer space" (1953). These films helped this era be known as the Golden Era for 3-D movies, some say that the boom of this era saved the 3-D film industry during the time because it was seen as a useless idea.

Years later audiences soon began to get sick of the funny glasses and ridiculous plots of 3-D films. Most people turned to the entertainment of televison. Popular shows, such as "I love lucy" aired weekly. It was said that in 1953 the show "I love Lucy" pulled in a total of 44 million viewers for the episode when the main character Lucy had her baby. Far fewer people tuned in to watch the broadcast of the presidental inauguration the next day.
Sources: http://entertainment-industry.knoji.com/the-3d-films-of-the-1950s/
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
13-2 questions
What is the goal of containment?the goal is to keep communist countries in their own area and try to reduce spreading their ways.
How is GREECE the first battlefront in the cold war?
greek communists attack the greek gov. thus forcing British troops to help out
What is the Marshall plan?
The plan was to help European countries recover by giving them American aid to help rebuild economies.
What is the Berlin Airlisft?Allie troops were caught in Berlin and planes flew overhead to drop supplies down to the starving army men.
What is NATO?
The North Atlantic treaty orginizatipm. A type of ally defence.
What happened in China?Chinese civil war, chinese communists attacked the government
Make a 5 step timeline in Korean War.
1)1949 NATO signed2) 1950 korea fights South Korea3) june 1950 truman sends support to South Korean side4) Jan. 19515)1953 Eisenhower declares he will end Korean War
How is GREECE the first battlefront in the cold war?
greek communists attack the greek gov. thus forcing British troops to help out
What is the Marshall plan?
The plan was to help European countries recover by giving them American aid to help rebuild economies.
What is NATO?
The North Atlantic treaty orginizatipm. A type of ally defence.
Make a 5 step timeline in Korean War.
1)1949 NATO signed
Cold War question
Comprehension questions, Chapter 13-1
Write on paper, or on blog.
What was the goal for Roosevelt after the war? What were Soviet goals about Germany? the soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and make sure the countries between germany and the Soviet Union were under control.
Write on paper, or on blog.
What was the goal for Roosevelt after the war? What were Soviet goals about Germany? the soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and make sure the countries between germany and the Soviet Union were under control.
What did FDR think was 'key' to world peace?
What was 'declaration of liberated europe, and how successful was it?'-- The right of all people to choose the form of government they want to live with.
How was Germany to be controlled?
It was to be divided into 2 parts/ one for the allies and one for the soviets
What was Truman's view about how to deal with USSR?
He wanted the gernan industry, it was the only way for the eco to rise.
What is a satellite nation?
communist country of east europe
What is a satellite nation?
communist country of east europe
What is an 'iron curtain
sepereates the east europe nations from the west.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Fascism: this was an form of nationalism
Stalin: russian leader who killed thousands
Hitler: leader of nazis killed many people
Mein Kampf: hitlers book called my struggle. It outlined his whole plan for exterminating the jews.
Fascism: this was an form of nationalism
Stalin: russian leader who killed thousands
Hitler: leader of nazis killed many people
Mein Kampf: hitlers book called my struggle. It outlined his whole plan for exterminating the jews.
Isolationism: staying out of the war
Internationalism: involved in foregin affairs,
Anschluss: the unifacation of germany and Austria
Appeasement: giving in to someone to make them stop
Nazi-Soviet Non aggression Pact: between russia and germany, presented by germany so they did not have to fight a war on 2 fronts.
Blitzkrieg: hitlers war plan, known as a lighting war
Dunkirk: battle that the allies lost in france
Battle of Britain: mostly a plane battle- between britian and germnay, germans lost
11-3, and 11-4
Kristallnacht: night of the broken glass, start of the holocaust
Holocaust: 6 million Jews and other minorities were killed. Hitler wanted to extriminate the jews
Concentration Camps/Extermination Camps- hitler put people in these camps to kill them
Pearl Harbor- japanese bombed americans here.
Anschluss: the unifacation of germany and Austria
Appeasement: giving in to someone to make them stop
Nazi-Soviet Non aggression Pact: between russia and germany, presented by germany so they did not have to fight a war on 2 fronts.
Blitzkrieg: hitlers war plan, known as a lighting war
Dunkirk: battle that the allies lost in france
Battle of Britain: mostly a plane battle- between britian and germnay, germans lost
11-3, and 11-4
Kristallnacht: night of the broken glass, start of the holocaust
Holocaust: 6 million Jews and other minorities were killed. Hitler wanted to extriminate the jews
Concentration Camps/Extermination Camps- hitler put people in these camps to kill them
Pearl Harbor- japanese bombed americans here.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Main idea
Casablanca Conference- Roosevelt and Churchill meet in monoco to discuss the bombing of Germany
Strategic bombing- the allies plan was to drop bombs where it would have the greatest effect. They would target factories and large industries
Dwight D. Eisenhower- general in command for the envision of Sicily
DUKW- a new truck during the war that was very high tech
Anzio- two towns that were involved in the invasion of Sicily
Tehran- and Iranian city where Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill met up before the invasion of France
Overlord-the allies tricked the Germans into thinking that they were going to attack pas-de-Calais
Why did they choose D-Day. Weather, tide, support
Island Hopping- smashing and blasting from one island to the next
Tarawa- the us lost a ton of troops here because they were not ready for the japs
Guadalcanal- a battle that the us was poorly prepared for and lost many troops
Kamikaze.japans final struggle to win. They suicide bombed everything they could
Casablanca Conference- Roosevelt and Churchill meet in monoco to discuss the bombing of Germany
Strategic bombing- the allies plan was to drop bombs where it would have the greatest effect. They would target factories and large industries
Dwight D. Eisenhower- general in command for the envision of Sicily
DUKW- a new truck during the war that was very high tech
Anzio- two towns that were involved in the invasion of Sicily
Tehran- and Iranian city where Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill met up before the invasion of France
Overlord-the allies tricked the Germans into thinking that they were going to attack pas-de-Calais
Why did they choose D-Day. Weather, tide, support
Island Hopping- smashing and blasting from one island to the next
Tarawa- the us lost a ton of troops here because they were not ready for the japs
Guadalcanal- a battle that the us was poorly prepared for and lost many troops
Kamikaze.japans final struggle to win. They suicide bombed everything they could
What is the Main Idea of 12-3
Rosie the Riveter- a model for women to follow during this time. It was representing a women who worked hard for the war effort
Fair Employment Practices Commission- a civil rights agency that Roosevelt created.
Bracero- Spanish word for worker this arranged for mexican workers to help in our southwest harvest
Sunbelt- when a lot of people moved to the south and west this was the term used
Housing-this was not intergrated for soldiers
Detroit Riots- led by rascim- these riots were caused by so many newcomers entering the Detroit area
Zoot Suit Riots- older people got mad at teens for wearing super colorful suits in California
Japanese-American Relocation- after the bombing of Pearl Harbor America looked at all Japanese living in the us as a threat and should be eliminated
Korematsu v. US- an court case came up, and the court ruled that it was a military urgency to get rid of Japanese.
Japanese – American Troops- the Japanese proved them self on the field of battle that they are loyal to the us.
Wage and Inflation Issues- because everyone was at the war their become a ton of new jobs that helped people
Rationing-supplies were running low in the us and for soldiers. People were given rations to cut down on the food consumption
Victory Gardens- this was a way people could get around rations by growing hie town stuff
E bonds-these were bonds that were sold to the population. They were payed back at the end of the war.
What is the Main Idea of 12-3
Rosie the Riveter- a model for women to follow during this time. It was representing a women who worked hard for the war effort
Fair Employment Practices Commission- a civil rights agency that Roosevelt created.
Bracero- Spanish word for worker this arranged for mexican workers to help in our southwest harvest
Sunbelt- when a lot of people moved to the south and west this was the term used
Housing-this was not intergrated for soldiers
Detroit Riots- led by rascim- these riots were caused by so many newcomers entering the Detroit area
Zoot Suit Riots- older people got mad at teens for wearing super colorful suits in California
Japanese-American Relocation- after the bombing of Pearl Harbor America looked at all Japanese living in the us as a threat and should be eliminated
Korematsu v. US- an court case came up, and the court ruled that it was a military urgency to get rid of Japanese.
Japanese – American Troops- the Japanese proved them self on the field of battle that they are loyal to the us.
Wage and Inflation Issues- because everyone was at the war their become a ton of new jobs that helped people
Rationing-supplies were running low in the us and for soldiers. People were given rations to cut down on the food consumption
Victory Gardens- this was a way people could get around rations by growing hie town stuff
E bonds-these were bonds that were sold to the population. They were payed back at the end of the war.
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